Monday, 14 May 2012

I know that this is not the Italian Wars but it's not too far removed. I was asked to paint some flags for the Swiss commanders of the Burgundian  Wars and this is the first completed one. The other's are almost finished with the flag  for Rene of Loraine being a real pain. This figure is represents Adrian von Bubenberg, Swiss commander at Morat . The figure is a Perry plastic man at arms with a metal Swiss head.  

Adrian von Bubenberg and standard bearer 

Perry Plastics standard bearer


  1. Wow, lovely looking flags Pete - can't wait to be able to purchase some!
    Nice figure too - looks spot on.
    Cheers and many thanks,

  2. Cheers, I enjoyed painting these figures. I deliberately didn't buy a box set of the men at arms figures as I knew I'd get sidetracked into painting some. Howver a friend gave me a couple of sprues.
