Saturday, 23 July 2011

German knight

German knight  converted from a Grenadier late medieval figure, boots and cowl made from Greenstuff, head from the perry mercenaries box and the lance is from TAG.  The idea for this figure came from Stuart Mulligan's work on his English demi lancers which can be seen here :

cheers Pete


  1. The German knight looks very good. Stuarts demi-lancers are very nice and a good source of inspiration. A good use for the grenadier figure though.

  2. Cheers Hendrid, I'm not too sure about the Grenadier horses though; they look a bit cartoony. you're right about Stuart's work, I've been tempted to start a Tudor army since I first saw the pics of his figures.

  3. That's a very nice looking conversion, the figure works really well - you should make a unit of them! I see what you mean about the horse but that's easily fixed. The Perry WOTR horses are really good sculpts, a joy to paint.


  4. Cheers Stuart,I'm planning on making up 8-10 of these figures and will give the perry horses ago.

  5. Good luck ! I have also arrived at the same conclusion.
