Sunday, 10 November 2013

Crann Tara Elizabethans

I ordered a couple of sample packs of these figures and I'm pretty impressed with them. I'm planning on building a force of Elizabethans  to use with the 'To The Banners'   rules from Caliver books which for me work well for the mid to later renaissance. Hopefully Crann Tara's  planned future releases are as good as those  currently available; if so these will be the figures I'll be using 


  1. Thanks for the positive review. The sculptor is working on Gallowglass and some new horses. I'm positive they will fit in well with these.

  2. These figures are really beautiful! A fantastic paintjob with the colors...

  3. Thanks for the comments and thanks for making these figures available.

    Graham that's good news about the new figures, will Crann Tara be at smoggycon? If so I'll probably pick up a couple of units there. Also what's the chance of putting a pack of border horse together from the existing packs with just spears?

    cheers Pete

  4. Pete,
    Yes we will be at Smoggy. We are busy casting but every time we get on top of things orders come in!
    I'm always happy to try and put packs together for you just need time to do it so either let me know what you want ASAP or have a chat at Smoggy and we will sort something out.
    In the future I want to try and put some extra packs together with just the rank and file

  5. Good one, I just want six mounted Reivers with lances with as many variants as possible to make a small unit up. If this is doable I'll pay from them tonight; i'll also have a couple of packs of longbowmen and a couple of packs of arquebusiers. cheers Pete

  6. Pete,
    Don't worry I will put something together and have them ready for smoggy.
    Pay on the day no hassle.

  7. Sorry I assume these are garrison foot you want.

  8. Hi Graham, attending smoggycon's looking less and less likely for me so if your okay with it I'll just order the figures from your website. let me know when you can put a pack of lance armed mounted reivers together and I'll order them when the're ready.

    cheers Pete
