Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Battle of Caravaggio 1448

Here's a pic of Massimo Predonzani's new book  which is full of information on the mid 15th century armies of Milan and Venice and is now available from here  http://www.aciesedizioni.it  Just click on the Italian flag and follow the Libri link. It's just a shame that I can't read it;  just as well there's plenty pf pictures and google translate to help out. Anyway good look to Massimo and Marco the publisher and lets hope the book's a huge success and there's plenty more to come.


  1. Thanks for the info - its now on my 'to buy' list.

  2. Hi Simon, I've ordered it so will let you know my thoughts when it arrives, cheers Pete

  3. Pete, what did you think of the book?
